Battery Swapping System

Nextem Battery Swapping System is a low-cost solution that allows fleet operator implements 24/7 operation.

With Nextem Battery Swapping System, fleet operators need not to concern with grid stability, peak demand from fast charging users in the same areas.

Battery Swapping Solutions is powered by our partner Battswap

3 minutes Battery Swapping

Unlimited Range 

Zero Emission for the Whole Journey

Deliver efficient and hassle-free service

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Battery Swapping System

Nextem Battery Swapping System is a low-cost solution that allows fleet operator implements 24/7 operation.

With Nextem Battery Swapping System, fleet operators need not to concern with grid stability, peak demand from fast charging users in the same areas.

Battery Swapping Solutions is powered by our partner Battswap

3 minutes Battery Swapping

Unlimited Range

Zero Emission for the Whole Journey

Deliver efficient and hassle-free service

© 2022-2024 Nextem .All rights reserved.